Field Day: Disrupting Traditional Local and Field Marketing

Field Day: Disrupting Traditional Local and Field Marketing

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Alex Nocifera, Founder & CEO, Field DayAlex Nocifera, Founder & CEO
In today’s dynamic and competitive retail landscape, marketers have their hands full weighing effective traditional and new methods to reach, acquire and retain customers. For brick and mortar retailers, it has become all the more complicated to decipher between digital, geo-targeted opportunities versus legacy, proven methods to incrementally grow same-store-sales. Generally, retail stores operate across locations which are characteristically different from each other depending on the taste of consumers and traits of the locality. Therefore, to tell their story in today’s noisy world, retailers need the comprehensive cognizance of local communities having unique identities and the area they are operating in. Founded in 2017, Field Day is aimed at revolutionizing field marketing. Alex Nocifera, Founder and CEO of Field Day, in this regard, mentions, “we have built a solution that amalgamates spatial, temporal, and consumer data where brands have locations, a centralized command-and-control platform for visibility – all combined with a nationwide network of curated brand ambassadors to deliver a brand’s last-mile, locally contextualized message. Overall, uniquely combining AI and data insights and pinpointing them into geographic areas where retailers maintain brick and mortar store, while literally allowing humans to hand-deliver the timely, localized message, Field Day’s platform makes them both aware while activating real marketing opportunities.”

The core objective of Field Day’s unique platform is to centralize the disparate local marketing approaches by forming a substantial database regarding a store and the people associated with it within a particular trade area. Incorporating this data into their system, it can render appropriate sales outreach activities in a simplistic way which ultimately helps in drawing more customers. Interestingly, by offering the opportunity to widen or shrink the data listening zone geographically, the platform provides a comprehensive knowledge of a particular trade area.
For instance, a retailer or restaurant brand can know about a specific event like a marathon or NBA playoff game within a certain locality and can utilize that opportunity to bring potential customers to their location by handing out coupons or by other means.

The core objective of Field Day’s unique platform is to centralize the chaotic and disparate realm of field marketing by forming a substantial database regarding a store’s surrounding opportunities and to activate it with proven field marketing tactics.

In addition to this data-based approach, Field Day has built a one-of-its-kind marketplace of field ambassadors to build brand awareness by bringing the message of a brand to the street. “The centralized software rooted with data and nationwide talent base is not different than scheduling a driver with Uber. The quickly growing army of ambassadors includes thousands of talented part-time workers, made up of moms, students, and models that are looking for flexible work schedules and high hourly pay. All of these unique ingredients are packaged into our full-service, enterprise solution for brands,” briefs Nocifera. In today’s digitally chaotic world, using humans to deliver the message is seemingly a massive differentiator for brands to elevate above the noise.

The company’s holistic field marketing solution has earned its recognition amongst several brands and retailers. Blaze Pizza, one of the US’s hottest, rapidly growing fast-food brands is one among them. They were having problems in building brand awareness regarding its lunch delivery and dinner option. Field Day brought out insights that suggested them to physically handout “buy one get one free” coupon to the neighbouring customers densely clustered near their restaurants. This intimacy inducing marketing strategy proved to be more effective than blind couponing. Consequently, coupon redemption rate was increased by two or three times.

Backed by a proven and robust platform, experienced leadership with an innovative mindset, top tier venture capital investors, and many such national branded customer success stories, Field Day is planning to launch additional disruptive field outreach approaches in the coming months.
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Top 10 Retail Tech Startups - 2019

Field Day


Alex Nocifera, Founder & CEO

Field Day has decided to centralize the disparate retail marketing space through relevant technology. Believing that every location where brick and mortar stores operate in is characteristically different, Field Day’s unique platform centralizes local marketing approaches by forming a substantial database regarding a store and the people associated with it within a particular trade area. In addition to such data-based approach, Field Day has built a one-of-its-kind marketplace of field ambassadors to build..Continue Reading